Wednesday, October 28, 2009

My "BEST" Housemates

I have 3 housemates. 1 Hong Kong boy, and 2 China girls.
Parco, the Hong Kong, one of my best friends in Exeter.
蓋 and 波波, nickname of the 2 China girls we usually call but they don't know.

Well, today's main characters are the 2 girls.
I'm so "lucky" that I have these 2 housemates.
They, are definately "special"!
MESSY, is used to describe them.
Their personal hygiene are totally SUCKS!
And today's main point is in the kitchen+common room, the place where we have to use it EVERYDAY!

In the morning, they cook.
They cook something disgusting, something smells bad, sometimes like dog food. Or dog doesn't even eat.
Well, what they cook is just none of my business.
After cooking, they will wash. HOWEVER, what mattered the worst is they wash everything after they came back from school!! 5p.m!! or even later!!
The things just remain on the sink and the electrical furnace from 8a.m. to 5p.m!! Almost 10 hours!! Its totally ridiculous!!
They have nooooo personal hygiene!!! Saya langsung tak boleh tahan o!!

Besides, they have no brain!! OTAK UDANG!!!
The refrigerator has already full but they could still buy for 1 travelling bag+ 4 plastic bags things from Tesco!! Then they started to stuff everything into the refrigerator.
死命SIAP, 死命 SIAP. SIAP 到冰箱就要爆炸了还在 SIAP!!!
At the end, they successed! Victory!!!
But we have no place to put our stuff anymore!
They've totally owned the refrigerator!!

Until now, I'm still trying to remind them. BUT, I don't know when the volcano will burst out.
I know that either one of us will throw bomb to them. So, Parco, please control me once you see I look somethings different. I will do it to you as well.

Girls have no personal hygiene? What the!

You know what is this?! They can just put this "things" for few days!
And offering me to eat somemore! SIAO~!! GILA!!

Can you even imagine this remained for few hours?!

1/50 are ours, and the remain 49/50 are the 2 little perempuan GILA's things!
Sometimes cant even closed!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

New life in UK

Finally, I'm in the new life in UK! I've waited for 9 months!! Haha...
Well, I still miss my dearest family and lovely friends!
And also the food... The most enjoyable time is to eat without cooking and washing by self!
So lazy to cook here, and dont really know how to cook actually! Hantam saja!!!
But those food i cooked.. still can put into the mouth and no stomachache at all.. Haha...
Everything is expensive here and I kept converting the currency into RM! I was trying to stop converting but in vain. And its just like 1 pound to RM6!
Everything is just look cheap here but when you convert to RM... Haha..!

But my life is good la. Unfortunately, no whiteman friends... Only from China and Hong Kong.
No chance to speak English, but I still can improve my cantonese...^^
?? Studying in UK but cantonese improved..? sounds weird!

Everything is fine here... University good, accomodation good (but its damn far from the campus), housemate good, classmate dont know, and timetable dont know..
Hope that everything is fine then!

And.. its Chuan's birthday! Happy Birthday Ex-mazai!! All the best!

Raymond's style Fried Rice

My masterpiece- TASTE GOOD although look bad!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Staying with you guys

Hey, I really had a great time staying with you guys in KL.
Its been a long time I've never seen you guys.
10 persons staying together, how fun and wonderful it is!
Actually I know you guys treat me differently as I'm a guest. Of course some of you will say no but I think at least you all are trying to make me feel not too boring.
I will always miss the time I stayed with all of you.
I will be going back very soon somehow I think this would be different with last time because some are going back Tawau and some are traveling with their own friends. This is why I'm so sad of.
However I'm still looking forward to seeing you guys once again!
Wait for me! I'll be back!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Yeah, finally I my blog has updated..^^ Haha...
As I'm still in Tawau and still doing nothing. So nothing to write before.

But I've got something new recently! Haha!
I've changed my specs!! No more "Raymond Look" on me.
I personally like this specs very much, and I don't really care how others comments. Haha.. Kidding.. Just give some comments on me.

Besides, I just came back from Mabul island.
And this time, I got my diving license!!
Finally, I've been waiting this moment for long long time ago.
Now I can dive in anytime once i saved enough money for myself. Hehe...
Damn expensive sports but its really really fun!
I cant imagine I'm breathing in the sea, watching those fish, reefs so near and a big size turtle!
Unfortunately, I got sun burn...~>_<~
Nevermind, its worth... ^^

Friday, May 1, 2009


Everything has just done, including my IELTS. Although it was not very well, I'm happy and at least I've met the requirements.

No more early wake up for me and no more classes. Just wanted to find some stuff to do in the morning else my alarm will only ring at 11am. While in the afternoon, I'm still teaching those evil, some are angel. Evil or angel, they are just kids and they're cute in sometimes.

And now, I'm just looking forward to going for further studies. Everyone's having their new environment, excluding me. But of course, I'm having my precious time with my family. I'll miss them.

There's still 4 to 5 months to go......

Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

上学一条虫, 放学一条龙

我还真的第一次补习补到想一拳去那个学生!! 笨不是他的错, 不会做写也不是他的错.
他错就错在不认真, 不专心和乱乱做. 乱做了又跟我讲很累! 妈的他...

我: 为什么乱乱做, 看了题目才圈答案.
然后我就拿他的纸, 把错的答案擦掉.( 基本上, 乱tembak的也差不多错完.)
学生: 擦啦, 等下我圈回一样的答案.
我: ...
学生: Ei? 老师, 你用什么橡皮, 做么可以擦到酱干净的!
我: 不要理eh, 快点做!
学生: 不要oh, 乱圈啦!
我: 你敢!
学生: 敢~!

Walao! 当时我立刻站起来, 真的真的真的很想扫过去!!!!!

叫他做的时候不是吃, 就是喝, 再不然就上厕所. 手上拿的不是keropok就是珍珠奶茶. 没错, 他是很快做完, 但是全部都是tembak, 长题目kosong. 然后跟我讲很累.

对这种学生, 我的耐心和"爱心" 很难出来.............
他只会弄到我的思想越来越暴力罢了... 哈哈!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009


哇, 2 月才过一个星期我就觉得很久了~
不知道我没有做小学老师是好事还是坏事. 做老师难, 做小学老师更难!
最近找了一份在补习中心做老师的工, 虽然薪水少, 不过可以找些事情来做就好了.

那些百厌仔真的很得人讨厌的哦! 他们真是难教. 玩皮到...... 没的顶!
我在讲话, 他们都不知有没有听到. 听到又不知有没有听进去, 听进去了有不知有没有听懂.
有些恐怖吵到我真的很想一巴一巴盖下去! 讲笑的啦! 给胆我都不敢啦!
有一个学生, 还没开始上课就哭着要找妈妈, 吓到我半死!
有一个还发我脾气, 真想巴掌去! 哈哈!! 发本少的脾气, 他真的以为他妈妈是谁.

哈哈, 我天天都跟自己讲, 他们只是小孩子罢了, 不懂事, 不要跟他们计较. 希望这句话有效. 不然...

唉, 教中学还好过教小学! 不过可以练我的耐心, 耐力, 还有"忍".
当我忍无可忍的时候, 就是那些小孩子的死期到了!! 哈哈哈!!

Monday, January 12, 2009



唉... 哪有那么多早知...
怎么知道老师做不成, 现在脑子一片空白!

谁要补数学找我! ~>_<~
I need income!